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alpine ingredients
enjoying a meal in the heart of the alps
'The Alpine Ingredients' mixes the ingredients for an inimitable experience that takes place in the most beautiful winter sports resorts in the world.
A ski tour to a star dinner in untouched nature. Enjoy an exclusively regional menu made from authentic ingredients with fellow alpinists and gourmets in an absolutely timeless place.
The aim of The Alpine Ingredients is to combine, process, distribute and reinterpret the best ingredients from the best regions of the Alps.
For us, the Alpine Ingredients project is an opportunity to intensify cooperation and networking between a large number of partners from different industries and to highlight the special quality of each individual partner through the media mix.

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The tour is a trilogy.
It's all about co-operation and networking between the best destinations in the Alps.
The landscape is all about the experience of our senses in an alpine environment. You can see, hear, taste, smell and feel it all. Ski touring and eating in an almost untouched, timeless landscape.
It's all about flow and slow movement.
Culinary networking
A great way for chefs to swap ideas and products in the best regions of the Alps in a unique setting.
Crafts + Design
Chefs can use their skills and knowledge to honour tradition and hospitality, and incorporate craftsmanship and design into the event. These are the 'Alpine Ingredients'.

The printed and interactive editions of 'Alpine Ingredients' are a great combo.

the makers and the project