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can artificial intelligence make sense of visualizing architecture?

The clear answer is yes and no!

And why is that?

At first glance, the results may seem impressive. The biggest problem, however, is that artificial intelligence produces results that seem almost impossible to control. In essence, AI does what it wants.

Maybe it is the BIAS?

AI bias, also called machine learning bias or algorithm bias, refers to the occurrence of distorted events due to human advantage that skew the original training data or AI algorithm, resulting in biased or unpredictable results.

What have we done with artificial intelligence here?

It's about a 'Datscha', a friend's 'Datscha', in Üdersee, somewhere in Brandenburg.

And in order to find out what kind of roof shape would make the most sense for the building, we loaded a simple white model as an image and an image of a forest in Brandenburg into the AI.

The results are mixed.

On the one hand, they're great because they're kind of artistic, but on the other hand, they're completely confusing because they have relatively little to do with the data we fed into the AI.

And these are the results?

Is this really useful?

What do you all think?

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